
Why are Christian disciples called to develop and use their talents?  

Christian disciples and their faith communities are called and gifted.  “How” we – as individuals and as communities – carry out our common and specific God-given calls depends on our God-given gifts, including our talents.  When we tap into and develop our dominant talents, we can maximize those talents, turn them into strengths, and use them as we carry out our God-given calls – in all aspects of our lives.

What is Christian Stewardship?

All we are and all we have is God-given gift. One of our common calls as Christian disciples is to be good stewards of the many gifts God has given us: 

“Who is a Christian disciple? One who responds to Christ’s call, follows Jesus, and shapes their life in imitation of Christ’s. Who is a Christian steward? One who receives God’s gifts gratefully, cherishes and tends them in a responsible and accountable manner, shares them in justice and love with others, and returns them with increase to the Lord.”

~Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response, Introduction

Therefore, we are called to thank God for our gifts, cultivate our gifts, and share our gifts with others for the common good.  

What are some categories of God-given gifts?

Our God-given gifts include our:

  • Spiritual gifts, such as faith, hope, and love

  • Talents

  • Cherished relationships

  • Material goods

  • Achievements of human genius and skill

  • And the world itself.                                              

    ~Stewardship: A Disciple’s Response, Chapter 2

Why should we be intentional about all of our God-given gifts - including our talents?

All of our gifts work together - our individual gifts and our community’s collective gifts!

Taking the time to articulate our specific God-given gifts, helps us to be more intentional about thanking God for our gifts, cultivating our gifts, and using our gifts for the good of others.

In addition, discovering our individual and collective God-given gifts has the potential to give us some “clues” toward understanding the specific ways in which God calls us - as individuals and communities.  And as we discern how we are specifically called, we can be more intentional about cultivating and using all of our gifts in the process of carrying out our God-given calls.  

Since our talents are among our many God-given gifts, we are called to name our talents, see how they are already working in our lives, cultivate them, and use our talents to love and serve our neighbor.

Why is strengths-base talent development important for churches and other faith organizations?

Faith communities thrive when they weave strengths development into their existing culture. Faith communities that create a strengths-based culture are communities that encourage their members to develop and use their God-given talents and strengths in all aspects of their lives. Strengths-based communities are more likely to have engaged members, who grow in faith, invite people to their faith communities, volunteer and serve the community in which they live, and support their faith community by sharing their time and material & financial resources.

Why is strengths-based talent development important for ministry staff and leaders?   

When those leading in ministry contexts have a deep awareness of their own and their colleagues’ talents and strengths, they can work more effectively and collaboratively as a team. 

Ministry staff and leadership also have an important role of helping those they serve appreciate and use their God-given gifts.  As ministry leaders embrace, develop, and use their own talents and strengths, they can also encourage and equip others to engage in strengths-based talent development.